Peace, Love & Chalk

September 15th, 2024 9am - 2:00pm

Peace, Love & Chalk is a live chalk art experience that happens on Broad Street in downtown Hazleton. During the event, a creative energy lights up the area as local competing artists' imaginations come to life on paper in real time! You have the unique opportunity of being up close and personal with the artists as they compete.

Thanks to our Sponsors, we are able to offer generous prizes to our winners!

Junior Category (ages 12-17)

1st Place - $300 Gift Card
2nd Place - $200 Gift Card
3rd Place - $100 Gift Card
People’s Choice - $50 Gift Card

Adult Category (ages 18+)

1st Place - $1,000
2nd Place - $500
3rd Place - $250
People's Choice - $150

Peace, Love & Chalk Rules

• PLC Kit includes: approx. 10-pieces of chalk and one sheet of artists' paper 38” x 50”, large cardboard, knee pads, water bottle, and sunscreen. (No chalking directly on the sidewalk/floor)

• If using your own supplies, please present them at check-in for inspection. Only chalk pastels are recommended. No fixative allowed.

• There is no required art theme. Work must be your original idea. No stenciling. No political, campaign or commercial advertising statements, messages, or drawings. No words or symbols intended as advertising or promotion may appear. Art must be family-friendly. (No nude or lewd artwork)

• Artists are strongly encouraged to sign their work at the bottom of the image area.

• Please try to keep your supplies to a minimum and well contained by your space. 

• Please respect other artists who are working near you. Do not walk on drawings or have open
beverage containers which could spill and destroy artwork. Use headphones for music.

• Please take your work home with you after Peace, Love & Chalk.

• Organizers have the right to disqualify and/or remove any inappropriate art or writing as they may deem necessary. Organizers and judges have the right to modify or add to these rules, as necessary. Organizers are not responsible for damage or theft of artwork.

• Digital photos of artists and artwork will be taken and used for publicity purposes.

• Judging is based on first impression, creativity, originality, skill, and use of color. 

Other things you may bring

• Whisk broom or brush, carpet, cloth or cardboard pad to sit on, brushes or cloth for blending, cloth or sponge for erasing, a cup if you want to use wet chalk, masking tape for creating
sharp edges and securing your paper to cardboard, old towels for clean up, extra chalk for certain colors you need, lightweight cotton gloves, latex gloves, sunglasses and a hat.

Join the Competition

Pre-registration due September 11th, 2024

Several pastel pieces laying side by side on the sidewalk

Be part of the inspiration! There is still time for artists to register to compete for big cash prizes! Register online or visit us in the Hayden Family Center for the Arts to fill out a physical form.

Registration Costs

Junior Category (ages 12 to 17): Cost covered by Hazleton Art League

Adult Category (18 and up): $25

  • If you are able to secure a sponsorship for your registration cost, let us know! We will include a sign recognizing your sponsor.

Payment accepted on-site on the day of the event.

Person drawing an octopus breaking apart a ship in pastel chalk

Schedules & Locations

• Pre-register by Wednesday, September 11, 2024. You can apply online on our website, or pick up forms available at Hazleton Art League (31 W. Broad St.).

• Late registration will be accepted in person with a $10 late fee at the Hazleton Art League.

• This is a rain or shine event. Chalk drawing will be done in the Power City Parking Structure at Wyoming and Mine Street.

• Artists MUST sign-in at the Hayden Family Center of the Arts from 8:00 - 8:45 AM on Sunday, September 15th, and sign a liability waiver in order to receive your PLC kit. You will also be given an ID number square.

• Artists can draw from 9:00 AM to 2:00PM on September 15th.

•By 2:00PM make certain your ID number square is visible at your space for judging.

• Final Judging and awards will be announced at 3:00 PM at the Hazleton Art League