Exhibitor Proposal Application
Dear Exhibitor,
Thank you for your interest in exhibiting at the Hazleton Art League. The Hazleton Art League is actively recruiting new artists and members to exhibit in our new space. We look forward to working with you!
Application Procedures (Must be completed at least 2 months prior to preferred exhibit time.)
Complete the online application form on our website or submit a paper form provided at the Hazleton Art League.
Please submit 5-10 high quality digital images as jpeg or pdf to director@hazletonsartleague.org. (*Image files should be labeled with the artist’s name and title of the piece.*) Please also include a typed image list that includes the medium and size of the pieces.
Please also indicate 3-4 images of pieces for sale on your image list if you are showing a solo exhibit. 1-2 images are acceptable for artists showing in a group exhibit.
Please submit a typed brief artist statement and description of the proposed show (this should be at least 2 paragraphs). This allows us to provide further description for when we promote your show on our website and social media platforms. This also helps us get a better understanding of your vision for your exhibition.
** Applications that fail to comply with the guidelines & procedures and/or required materials will not be considered. **
All 2-dimensional work must be effectively and sustainably wired, framed, or have clear indication on how it is to be presented in a professional manner.
Sculpture stands will be provided by the Hazleton Art League for 3-dimensional work.
If you are exhibiting an installation piece, please provide a clear image with directions on how you would like your installation piece to be displayed or be willing to help install it to your vision’s standards.
Please stay true to the original proposal. Changes to the show’s content or format shows indecisiveness and poor handle on one’s creative process.
Please indicate at least 3-4 images that will be for sale on your image list. 1-2 images of work for sale are acceptable for artists exhibiting in a group exhibition.
These images will be presented on our website before, during, and after your exhibition, and will also be used to promote your show on our Facebook page, Instagram, flyers, postcards, etc.
Each Artist must provide a minimum of 10 contacts (locals preferred or those you know for sure will be willing to travel) that we can invite via email or postcard to your exhibition opening reception.
While Hazleton Art League handles our part in promoting exhibitions, Artists are also strongly encouraged to promote their show as well.
Exhibiting Artists are encouraged to be present for either the opening reception of a solo show or the coffee talk. In a group show, as many artists as possible should attend. This allows the artist to be on hand for questions by viewers who are interested in purchasing work or getting to know the artist better.
Hazleton Art League usually provides refreshments, however, Artists are encouraged to provide refreshments as well to show a good form of offering something to those who support you.
All sales go through the Hazleton Art League. 6% sales tax is collected from the buyer at the point of sale – the Hazleton Art League retains 25% commission.
Checks to the artists are available after the close of the exhibition.
Artwork remains in the gallery until the exhibition is over, even in the event that a piece is sold.
2 months prior
Application Requirements: 5-10 Images (labeled .jpg files or pdf files), Image list, Artist Statement & Show proposal, and Invitation Contact Forms Due.
(E-mail to: director@hazletonsartleague.org)
Sunday before First Friday
Drop off day from 1:00 to 5:00PM
Label forms due at drop off
Sign up for Opening Refreshments at Drop Off
First Friday of the Month
Opening Reception Date
Sunday of First Friday Weekend
Sunday Talk
Sunday/Tuesday after exhibition closes
Pickup 4:00-6:00 PM (Sun), 10:00AM-5:00PM (Tue)