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En Plein Air

  • Hazleton Art League 31 West Broad Street Hazleton, PA, 18202 United States (map)

En Plein Air with Jo Adang

Facilitating Artist: Jo Adang

On-going | Contact Jo Adang for dates and times.

(Adults 18+)

This group is for Members only.*

Do you love to paint? Do you love the outdoors? Then you will really enjoy En Plein Air Painting Adventures. This is an artist-driven group with no formal instruction offered. The group meets at various locations around Hazleton to capture favorite places in paint, in two hours or less. Just bring your choice of medium.  New to en plein air? No experience? You are welcome to join us. Please ask if you want some pointers to get started.

Jo will supply a materials list and will email you dates and meeting places.***

If interested in participating, please contact Jo at:

March 5

Open Studio

March 15

Linda Basset: Intro to Pierced Metal Jewelry Demonstration